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20 years of research for the new TaylorMade Stealth Drivers

20 years of research culminating in Carbonwoods

TaylorMade's latest innovation, the Stealth Drivers, introduces a groundbreaking shift in the golf industry, challenging conventional wisdom regarding the superior material for driver faces. This exciting release features significant enhancements to beloved, proven technologies and places a strong emphasis on delivering unparalleled power and precision to golfers.

The Taylormade Stealth series includes a diverse range of drivers, namely the Stealth, Stealth HD, Stealth Plus+, and Stealth Women’s. Notably, these drivers are no longer categorized as Woods or Metalwoods; instead, they have been christened as CarbonWood™.

But what prompts this dramatic change? TaylorMade has opted to depart from the conventional use of Titanium, a material prevalent in drivers for the past two decades. Instead, they have crafted a set of drivers with a primary objective of maximizing tee-shot power while ensuring ample forgiveness per swing. This remarkable feat has been achieved through the integration of the innovative 60X Carbon Twist Face technology. Over two decades of extensive research, prototype development, and rigorous testing have culminated in the utilization of sixty layers of carbon fiber on the driver faces. These layers are skillfully enclosed within a polyurethane nanotexture shell, complemented by TaylorMade's renowned Twist Face design.

These sixty layers of carbon fiber have been meticulously arranged and layered to create a club face that can withstand the rigors of consistent impact, all while maintaining the durability synonymous with titanium faces. However, carbon's lightweight and lower density properties offer an additional advantage – reduced resistance and increased face flexing. This, in turn, results in optimised energy transfer from the clubface to the golf ball at impact, resulting in faster and more consistent ball speeds.

20 years of research for the new TaylorMade Stealth Drivers

Employing the significantly lighter carbon fiber material has enabled TaylorMade to craft a series of drivers that weigh 44% less than their titanium counterparts of the same size. This remarkable reduction in weight has opened doors to increasing the face's size without compromising the club's structural integrity. This expanded surface area, coupled with the reduced weight, leads to a consistent and remarkable enhancement in ball speeds, contact with the golf ball, and swing speeds, ultimately resulting in greater distance, ball speed, and forgiveness.

Amidst these groundbreaking technological advancements and the incorporation of carbon fiber, TaylorMade has also succeeded in creating an aesthetically captivating set of drivers.

The driver's visual appeal harmoniously aligns with its name, featuring a sleek and almost menacing design that could potentially instill awe in the eyes of fellow golfers. The combination of the red and black carbon face lends an impression of fiery intensity, as if the driver is poised to send the ball down the fairway with a burst of flames and smoke.

Stealth Driver

The innovative nanotexture cover employed in the 60X Carbon Twist Face has been meticulously crafted with an emphasis on optimizing launch and spin, ensuring that players can achieve greater distance off the tee, regardless of the prevailing playing conditions. Moreover, the weight reduction achieved through the use of carbon fiber allows for increased weight placement low and deep within the head, resulting in a remarkable 15% boost in MOI compared to the Stealth Plus+.

Stealth HD Driver

Thanks to the weight savings made possible by the 60X Carbon Twist Face and the strategic relocation of the Inertia Generator closer to the heel, TaylorMade has succeeded in maintaining a draw-biased driver while delivering the highest MOI within the entire Stealth Driver lineup.

Stealth Plus+ Driver

One of the significant advantages of employing the 60X Carbon Twist Face is weight savings, which TaylorMade has harnessed to incorporate a 10g sliding weight track into the Stealth Plus+. This track is ingeniously designed to empower golfers to manipulate shot shape by adjusting mass on the sole, allowing them to achieve their preferred ball flight.

Stealth Women’s Driver

The Stealth Women’s driver seamlessly combines the advanced technology of the Stealth HD with a slightly lighter head weight, offering female golfers a unique color scheme and aesthetic. It also retains the same high MOI head design, ensuring effortless, high-launch shots with a touch of draw.

In 2023, Taylormade further enhanced their carbonwood range with the relases of the Stealth 2 Range. See the new models here:

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