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Your Buying Guide for Golf Trolleys

Buying a golf trolley can be a tricky thing to do due to the sheer amount of trolleys that are available on the market today. Compared to what was available 20 to 30 years ago there are now so many more options available, with electric golf trolleys that include incredible accessories and smart features that make getting round a golf course even easier than before. 

Golf trolleys have changed so much in recent years that there are plenty of designs that have been used which focus on what different golfers may want when they are out at their local golf course to make every round as easy as possible, while also coming with amazing accessories and features. 

Do you want a super-lightweight cart that is easy to lift around and push with ease for a full 18 holes of golf, or a trolley that can fold down to an amazingly compact size to fit in the boot of your car easily with your golf clubs. There are options for every golfers needs, and so finding the right one for you can sometimes be a long and confusing process. 

To help you with sorting through the hundreds of models and design choices, we have created this handy buying guide to help navigate what golf trolleys are available, what makes them different and what performance they provide so you can find the right one for you. 

Your Buying Guide for Golf Trolleys

Push Trolleys

A push trolley is typically created with a three-wheeled design that offers golfers a sturdy base to keep their golf bag secure, while also offering easy manoeuvrability around the golf course no matter the terrain that you are playing on.  

Because a manual golf trolleys don't need a battery to move it means that they can be designed to be incredibly lightweight so that it is much easier to move around, which is very useful if you are playing on a course with steep hill. And because there is no battery that needs to be charged and maintained push golf trolleys can be used for years with little to no maintenance so they are always ready to use.  

Another great benefit with not having to use a battery is that manual versions are much cheaper golf trolleys that come at very affordable prices. The reduced price doesn't mean that you are getting a bad product, infact because Brands such as Big Max, ClicGear and Rovic don't have to focus on useing electric components they can focus more on added extras, making the trolleys simple to assemble and stronger materials.

Electric Golf Trolleys

Electric trolleys use battery power to create easy transportation of your golf clubs around the course. Many trolleys use a speed dial to set a pace that the trolley will travel at until you reach the next tee - some can even be controlled by remote control. Find out more about the trolleys with a remote control.  

While an Electric Trolley may be a more expensive option than a Push Trolley, you will reserve energy on the course to generate powerful drives. Using an electric motor is advantageous on courses with very hilly sections, so avoiding carrying your clubs or pushing them up and down a hill will definitely have you feeling fresh at each tee.  

Some manufacturers have started adding new features that are handy to improving the enjoyment or functionality of your game. Trolleys such as the Motocaddy M3 Electric Golf Trolley and PowaKaddy CT8 Electric Trolley both have added features such as charging ports, interactive touch screens displays and have been loaded with 40,000 golf courses from around the world so you can measure the distance of your shots, how far to the hole and any unforeseen hazards that might be in the way. However, you may wish to consider an alternative, which gives full flexibility to transition into lifestyle with the smart watches that offer GPS.

Golf Batteries

When looking at an electric trolley you will need to consider the battery that you require and how long it can last on a single charge so that you can complete your round with power. For golfers who are completing longer rounds on a regular basis, or playing across hillier terrains, you should ensure you select a 36-hole battery option - also referred to as an ‘extended’ battery.

Battery technology and designs have come a long way over the last decade, with lithium batteries being the go-to design rather than the older and less productive lead acid batteries. 

The leading deciding factor for your battery selection will be the power that it can generate to use your golf trolley for 18, 27 or 36 holes without a charge.

Maintaining the battery is also key. If you are not charging the battery enough, the overall lifespan of the trolley will decrease. There is a very easy guide to follow on how to maintain an electric golf trolley correctly, which we recommend all golfers read once they have purchased an electric trolley.


Whether you decide to go for a push or electric trolley, you’re still going to need to be able to move it from your garage to your car and then to the course so pay attention to the weight that it is listed as. Most electric trolleys now use lighter lithium batteries; so there is less weight to worry about than in previous battery designs.  

You may also wish to consider the folding systems of each trolley as you don't want to be stuck at the boot of your car fighting with a trolley to try and collapse so you can actually pack up and head home after a long round of golf. There are now trolleys which only require a one press of a button or a movement of a clip that allows the frame to quickly fold down into a very compact size to easily fit in any car along with a golf bag. This could be the deciding factor for those with less storage availability so always read though a description and find out how the trolley can fold down.  

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