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Your Guide To Golf Wedges

A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Golf Wedges: Enhance Your Short Game Skills


When it comes to improving your golf game, having the right set of wedges in your bag is essential. Wedges are versatile clubs designed for short approach shots, bunker play, pitch shots, chip shots, and more. In fact, approximately 50% of shots played in a round of golf are short game shots around the greens. This blog will provide you with valuable insights into buying golf wedges, exploring their purposes, lofts, and bounce angles.

What are Wedges for?

Wedges are specialised golf clubs with high lofts that excel at shots requiring a steep ascent and descent with sufficient spin. They are primarily used for short approach shots within 120 yards, bunker play, pitch shots, and chip shots. Wedges are vital for precise and controlled shots around the greens, allowing you to navigate hazards and bring the ball closer to the hole.

Your Guide To Golf Wedges

Types of Wedge

Titleist SM9 Wedges


The loft of a wedge plays a crucial role in determining the trajectory and distance of your shots. Higher lofted wedges provide a steeper ascent and descent, while lower lofted wedges offer more distance on full swings. Here are some key types of wedges and their typical lofts:


a. Pitching Wedges (PW): This is the most common wedge found in golf bags. With a loft ranging from 44 to 48 degrees, the pitching wedge generates excellent ball spin and distance. It is ideal for full shots onto the greens and longer chip shots.


b. Gap Wedges (GW): Also known as attack or utility wedges, gap wedges have lofts between 50 and 53 degrees. They offer a balance between distance and versatility, making them suitable for shots requiring less distance than a pitching wedge, yet more than a sand wedge. They provide options for mid-range shots around the green.


c. Sand Wedges (SW): Designed specifically for bunker play, sand wedges have lofts ranging from 54 to 58 degrees. Their wider, rounded heads allow them to glide through the sand, providing an easier connection with the ball. Sand wedges are also useful for mid-range chip shots.


d. Lob Wedges (LW): Lob wedges have the highest lofts, typically ranging from 60 to 64 degrees. They excel in generating height and ball spin, making them perfect for delicate chip shots and flop shots. Lob wedges help the ball cover a shorter distance and come to an immediate stop on the greens.


The bounce of a wedge refers to the angle on the sole that prevents the club from digging into the turf or sand. Wedges are available with different bounce angles to suit various swing types and course conditions. Understanding bounce is crucial when choosing the right wedge for your game. Here are the different bounce options:

a. Low Bounce Wedges: These wedges have a bounce angle of 4 to 5 degrees. They are suitable for players who tend to sweep the ball, creating shallower divots. Low bounce wedges work well on firmer turf conditions and in bunkers with heavy, coarse sand or minimal sand.

b. Mid Bounce Wedges: With bounce angles ranging from 7 to 10 degrees, mid bounce wedges offer versatility for a wide range of swing types and course conditions. They are considered the most well-rounded option.

c. High Bounce Wedges: Wedges with more than 10 degrees of bounce are classified as high bounce wedges. They feature a leading edge that sits higher when the sole rests against the ground. High bounce wedges are ideal for players who dig into the ground, creating deep divots and playing from bunkers with deep, fine sand.


Investing in the right golf wedges can significantly enhance your short game skills and overall performance on the course. Understanding the purposes, lofts, and bounce angles of different wedges is essential for making an informed purchase. Whether you need the precision of a pitching wedge, versatility of a gap wedge, playability of a sand wedge, or finesse of a lob wedge, selecting the appropriate wedges will allow you to navigate various shots effectively and improve your scoring around the greens. Choose wisely, and watch your short game soar to new heights!

Leading Wedge Models

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